Jesus M. Torres Palenzuela, Luis González Vilas, Francisco M. Bellas, Elina Garet, África González-Fernández and Evangelos Spyrakos
The NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula is dominated by extensive shellfish farming, which places this region as a world leader in mussel production. Harmful algal blooms in the area frequent lead to lengthy harvesting closures threatening food security. T...
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Inna V. Stonik and Anton A. Zinov
Diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia are producers of the neurotoxin domoic acid that causes serious damage to marine fauna and aquaculture farms. These microalgae are known as the most abundant group of toxic phytoplankton in Peter the Great Bay, North...
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Stéphane Karasiewicz and Alain Lefebvre
Global environmental change modifies the phytoplankton community, which leads to variations in their phenology and potentially causes a temporal mismatch between primary producers and consumers. In parallel, phytoplankton community change can favor the a...
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Francisco M. Bellas Aláez, Jesus M. Torres Palenzuela, Evangelos Spyrakos and Luis González Vilas
This work presents new prediction models based on recent developments in machine learning methods, such as Random Forest (RF) and AdaBoost, and compares them with more classical approaches, i.e., support vector machines (SVMs) and neural networks (NNs). ...
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Minji Lee, Hyejoo Ro, Yun-Bae Kim, Chan-Hong Park and Seung-Ho Baek
The area near the subpolar front of the East Sea has high primary productivity during the spring season. We conducted two surveys, one in early spring and another in late spring, to assess environmental factors that influence phytoplankton community stru...
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Stephanie K. Moore, John B. Mickett, Gregory J. Doucette, Nicolaus G. Adams, Christina M. Mikulski, James M. Birch, Brent Roman, Nicolas Michel-Hart and Jan A. Newton
Efforts to identify in situ the mechanisms underpinning the response of harmful algae to climate change demand frequent observations in dynamic and often difficult to access marine and freshwater environments. Increasingly, resource managers and research...
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Alessandro G. Mudadu, Anna Maria Bazzoni, Virgilio Congiu, Giuseppe Esposito, Alberto Cesarani, Rita Melillo, Giuseppa Lorenzoni, Simona Cau, Barbara Soro, Bruna Vodret, Domenico Meloni and Sebastiano Virgilio
Annual and interannual dynamics of shellfish toxins and associated harmful algal species (HAS) were analyzed from 2015 to 2020 in Tortolì Lagoon (Sardinia, west Mediterranean Sea). Analysis of seasonal occurrence of different harmful algae, such as Dinop...
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Josette Garnier, Philippe Riou, Romain Le Gendre, Antsiva Ramarson, Gilles Billen, Philippe Cugier, Mathilde Schapira, Sylvain Théry, Vincent Thieu and Alain Ménesguen
The continental coastal waters of the Eastern Channel, from Normandy to Hauts-de-France, are subject to the major influence of unbalanced nutrient inputs from inflowing rivers. Several episodes of harmful algal blooms (HABs) compromising fishing and shel...
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Alanna L. Lecher, Katherine R. M. Mackey and Adina Paytan
The Gulf of Alaska is a highly productive ecosystem that supports fisheries and subsistence harvesting of marine resources. The highly productive summer season begins with a bloom that is dominated by diatoms. Both river and submarine groundwater dischar...
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