Jonathas Magalhães Pereira da Silva
Pág. 1 - 4
No volume 16, n. 2 de 2019 da revista ?Oculum Ensaios?, publicamos a última ?Nota do Editor? na qual lembrávamos das mudanças significativas em sua política editorial. Na ocasião dividia o cargo de Editor com a professora doutora Maria Cristina da Silva ...
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Kalle Petteri Nuortimo,Janne Härkönen
The challenge in today?s corporations is that even though the technology portfolio of a company plays a crucial role in delivering revenue?falling as a topic mainly under the area of technology management?technology may have a negative image due to obser...
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Dimitrios Giomelakis, Christina Karypidou and Andreas Veglis
The journalism profession has changed dramatically in the digital age as the internet, and new technologies, in general, have created new working conditions in the media environment. Concurrently, journalists and media professionals need to be aware and ...
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klaus Solberg Søilen
The aim of any social science to develop theories and/or models to better understand the business reality. We are happy to see that a majority of contributions this time do exactly that. The first article by Nuortimo is entitled ?Exploring new ways to ut...
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Kalle Nuortimo
New Web 2.0-based technologies have emerged in the field of competitor/marketintelligence. This paper discusses the factors influencing long-term product development,namely coal combustion long-term R&D/Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology, andpre...
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Carlos A. Iglesias and Viviana Patti
Bronwyn Lee Carlson,Lani V Jones,Michelle Harris,Nelia Quezada,Ryan Frazer
This paper investigates the ways in which Indigenous Australians respond individually, and collectively, to racial vilification by means of social media sites. Introducing the concept of ?shared recognition? this paper describes the collective sense of a...
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Rodrigo Hernán García Alvarado; Claudia Marcela Muñoz Sanguinetti, Dra.
Pág. 04 - 05
Presentamos la primera edición del año 2017 de la Revista Hábitat Sustentable y habiendo transcurrido ya seis años desde que la publicación naciera, debemos destacar logros notables. En primer lugar, mantener dos ediciones semestrales con media docena de...
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Analid Dubuc
Pág. 176 - 190
El presente artículo tuvo como propósito analizar el marketing digital como estrategia de negocio en las empresas del sector gastronómico del municipio San Francisco. La investigación se sustentó en los postulados teóricos de editorial Vértice (2010), St...
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