Fiesta Octaviani,Renaldi Renaldi,Sabrina Oktaria Sihombing
Pág. 238 - 248
Abstract: This study aims to examine the factors that have the potential to influence student?s entrepreneurial intentions using the TPB theory model along with several other factors (i.e., attitude towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms, perceived b...
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Nur Atik Juwanti,Ida Aryati DPW,Sarsono Sarsono
Pág. p.23 - 34
Riset ini bertujuan guna mengetahui serta membuktikan secara empiris aspek kreativitas, kemandirian, gaya belajar serta fasilitas belajar baik secara simultan ataupun parsial kepada prestasi belajar murid SMK Negeri 1 Sragen. Riset ini yakni riset kuanti...
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Aida Nahar, Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia 10.21831/economia.v18i2.47800
Pág. 172 - 185
AbstractThis study aims to analyze the moderating variables that affect the managerial performance of furniture companies in Jepara district. Managerial performance is achieved if the planning involves the participation of employees. Management and emplo...
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José Ignacio Sánchez Colmenarejo, Felipe Morales Camprubí, Cristina González-Gaya and Alberto Sánchez-Lite
The identification of hazards and risk assessment are key factors in the safety of the industries, including power plants. This paper contains an original risk analysis method that increases the level of safety in commissioning and start-up operations. W...
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I Kadek Satria Wibawa, Ni Wayan Novi Budiasni
Pág. 63 - 67
This study has the aim of knowing the effect of work from home, situational leadership style and work motivation on the performance of employees of the Argha Nayottama Market Pasar Buleleng Regency. The analysis used is the validity and reliability test,...
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Deni Sobari, Sonny Hersona, Nunung Nurhasanah
Pág. 123 - 136
Creating good governance conditions is a dream for every Organsiasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), including the Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang, Karawang Regency. However, to achieve this requires the support of qualified human resources in order to be...
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Rei Napeto Pasaribu, Rio Anggara Insani Sitohang, Nawarti Lumban Gaol, Holfian Daulat Tambun Saribu
Pág. 1370 - 1381
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style, supervision and work discipline either partially or simultaneously on the performance of employees of PT. Hanesa Karya Mandiri wholesale. This research is a descriptive study using a quantitati...
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Sukarni Sukarni,Sudarwati Sudarwati,Ida Aryati Dpw
Pág. p.103 - 116
Tujuan riset ini yakni guna menguji serta menganalisis peran kemandirian siswa, fasilitas, motivasi dan budaya belajar kepada prestasi belajar siswa kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 sragen. Teknik analisis memakai analisi regresi linier berganda, uji instrument (u...
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Muhammad Hidayat, Didin Halim, Asep Suharja
Pág. 172 - 180
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah: 1) kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, 2) gaya kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, 3) kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, 4) gaya kepemimpinan trans...
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Zainul Zainul,Busthan Busthan,Ratna Husain
Pág. 1 - 8
Ruas jalan Tawaeli ? Toboli adalah salah satu jalur yang menghubungkan beberapa kabupaten yang ada di Sulawesi Tengah. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas prasarana transportasi tersebut,maka Pemerintah Sulawesi Tengah berencana untuk melakukan pelebaran ...
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