190   Artículos

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Kenneth Thibodeau    
Constructed Past Theory (CPT) is an abstract representation of how information about the past is produced and interpreted. It is grounded in the assertion that whatever we can write or say about anything in the past is the product of cognition. Understan... ver más
Revista: Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Alper Tolga Kocatas and Ali Hikmet Dogru    
Connectors are powerful architectural elements that allow the specification of interactions between software components. Since the connectors do not include behavior in UML, the components include the behavior for coordinating the components, complicatin... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Oleg I. Podymov, Vladimir V. Ocherednik, Ksenia P. Silvestrova and Andrei G. Zatsepin    
The paper analyzes quasiperiodic upwellings and downwellings on the shelf and upper part of continental slope of the northeastern Black Sea. It is shown that these processes are related to changes in intensity and direction of alongshore current and the ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Domenico Lembo, Valerio Santarelli, Domenico Fabio Savo and Giuseppe De Giacomo    
In this paper we study Graphol, a fully graphical language inspired by standard formalisms for conceptual modeling, similar to the UML class diagram and the ER model, but equipped with formal semantics. We formally prove that Graphol is equivalent to OWL... ver más
Revista: Future Internet    Formato: Electrónico

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S.Yu. Petrova,D.V. Baldov     Pág. 40 - 45
The scientific article discusses the process of accounting for classes in children's development (including educational) centers. Children's centers are different in areas of activity, in scale. But in all children's centers, classes are recorded, which ... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Open Information Technologies    Formato: Electrónico

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Meriem Kherbouche, Galena Pisoni and Bálint Molnár    
Business process modeling and verification have become an essential way to control and assure organizational evolution. We overview the opportunities for the application of blockchain in Business Process Management and Modeling in Finance and we focus on... ver más
Revista: Applied System Innovation    Formato: Electrónico

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Paryanta Paryanta,Neira Anjar Puji Susilo,Elisa Puspita Rahayu     Pág. HAL. 162 - 172
Mara Coffee & Eatery adalah sebuah kedai kopi di wilayah kota Surakarta tepatnya di kelurahan Mojosongo, kecamatan Jebres. Mara Coffee & Eatery merupakan bisnis yang bergerak pada penjualan minuman dan makanan, khususnya minuman kopi. Proses bisn... ver más
Revista: Jurnal Go Infotech    Formato: Electrónico

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Paryanta Paryanta,Kristono Kristono,Bartolomius Daniel Dillon Baskoro     Pág. HAL. 21 - 30
Bintang Car Wash adalah usaha yang khususnya bergerak di bidang jasa pencucian mobil, semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia, sarana transportasi telah menjadi kebutuhan utama manusia. Ini membuat bintang car wash semakin berkembang. Pencatatan data pela... ver más
Revista: Jurnal Go Infotech    Formato: Electrónico

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Sutariyani Sutariyani,Hartati Dyah W,Gabriel Natalino Ega Tutuko     Pág. HAL. 31 - 42
Gereja Kristen Jawa Jebres merupakan rumah ibadah dan aktif dalam menjalankan kegiatan kerohanian, sebelumnya untuk memperoleh data gereja dan mendaftar baptis, katekisasi, dan pernikahan masih dilakukan dengan berkunjung secara langsung, menggunakan pen... ver más
Revista: Jurnal Go Infotech    Formato: Electrónico

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Djulwini Fred Dachi, Hevalda Eppa, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah     Pág. 323 - 329
As a distributor company CV. MAKMUR needs to use information technology not only for selling its products but also in warehouse inventory management, where there is no longer recording and calculating inventory using Microsoft Excel, where there are seve... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economic; Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)    Formato: Electrónico

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