Fabiola Haas, Tobias Baumgartner, Timo Klein-Soetebier, Florian Seifriz and Stefanie Klatt
This heatmap analysis of positional behavior in table tennis can open the way for a more detailed analysis that can have far-reaching practical impacts on both tactical training and competitive match playing.
Taewoon Jung and Hyoungjin Park
The roundhouse kick is the most commonly executed kick in Taekwondo competitions. Because it is the fastest kick among kicking techniques and can easily change its motion on the basis of the opponent?s motion, the roundhouse kick is suitable for scoring ...
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Yanyan Du and Yubo Fan
1. The kinematic and kinetic characteristics of the lunge maneuver were gradually impaired in the fatiguing process. 2. Period IV (pre-drive-off) of the stance phase showed the most significant fatigue response. 3. Improving the strength of the knee exte...
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