José Gándara,Silvia Ross,Gastón Quero,Pablo Dellacassa,Joaquín Dellepiane,Gonzalo Figarola,Luis Viega
Pág. e006
Aim of the study: To analyze the course of leaf water status, water-use efficiency and growth in Eucalyptus grandis and hybrids throughout seasons with different rainfall.Area of study: The study was conducted in northern Uruguay.Methods: A randomized bl...
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Eduardo Rubio, José Luis Fernández-Zayas and Miguel A. Porta-Gándara
Solar distillation is a practical alternative for freshwater production in arid zones where seawater is abundant. The attractiveness of this approach resides in the simplicity of the solar still, equipment used to produce saline-free water for drinking, ...
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Simas Ferreira Aragão,Alexandre Marques da Silva,José Cambuim,Mario Luiz Teixeira de Moraes,Salatiér Buzetti,Flavio Bertin Gandara
Pág. 11 - 24
A Reserva Legal localiza-se no interior de uma propriedade ou posse rural,de domínio público ou privado, destinada ao uso sustentável dos recursos naturais,a conservação dos recursos hídricos, dos solos e a proteção da fauna e flora. Oobjetivo desse trab...
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