Eun Joo Park and Mi Jeong Kim
Representing visual experiences is an essential part of architectural design education for creativity. The representation of creative ideas relates to the ability to communicate spatial design concepts. This study examined whether filmic spaces could fun...
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Mario Matthys, Laure De Cock, John Vermaut, Nico Van de Weghe and Philippe De Maeyer
More and more digital 3D city models might evolve into spatiotemporal instruments with time as the 4th dimension. For digitizing the current situation, 3D scanning and photography are suitable tools. The spatial future could be integrated using 3D drawin...
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Ihsan Maulanar Robbany(1*), Josephin Maria Pastika Atidipta(2), Shabrina Amalia Ihsanti(3), Vadya Dzauqiah(4), Agus Suharjono Ekomadyo(5), (1) Institut Teknologi Bandung (2) Institut Teknologi Bandung (3) Institut Teknologi Bandung (4) Institut Teknologi Bandung (5) Institut Teknologi Bandung (*) Corresponding Author
Pág. 52 - 60
The creative class is a group of people who utilize their creative thinking as a way to solve problems by creating innovations. The development of the creative class in the urban regions of the world results in a term called the creative city. Inside a c...
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Mina Akhavan, Ilaria Mariotti, Lisa Astolfi and Annapaola Canevari
The late 2000s witnessed a wide diffusion of innovative workplaces, named coworking spaces, designed to host creative people and entrepreneurs: the coworkers. Sharing the same space may provide a collaborative community to those kinds of workers who othe...
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Neveen Hamza, Dalila ElKerdany, John Pendlebury, Sahar Imam, Aliaa AlSadaty, Tamer ElSerafi
Pág. 119 - 131
Market halls are commonly found in contexts of cultural and heritage value. Positioned in urban centres and transport networks, these unique buildings were originally constructed in the 19th century to ensure better food distribution in growing European...
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Karen Day,Gayl Humphrey,Sophie Cockcroft
The Hackathon concept is attracting interest as a vehicle for participatory development in both Health and Information systems. Publically available datasets, cloud based data storage, and increasingly sophisticated analytical methods, combined with user...
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Lyubov G. Savenkova,Olga I. Radomskaya
Pág. 217 - 221
The article presents an innovative approach to children and youth? training and education. This approach is based on the students? integrated training and the polyart education. The authors examine the modern innovative educational programs. It is shown ...
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Lázaro Florido-Benítez
Pág. 60 - 69
En la actualidad los aeropuertos se promocionan a través de múltiples medios, tales como Internet y en especial mediante aplicaciones móviles, las que están siendo el soporte por el cual las empresas de turismo están canalizando su oferta para mejorar la...
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María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez
Pág. 152 - 154
The comparison between the creative processes in dance and architecture constitute a panorama, which is able to fi gure out reality with different and intense perceptive connotations. It is about a reality where the important thing is the immersion into ...
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María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez
Pág. 108 - 115
Los procesos creativos comparados en danza y arquitectura constituyen un panorama capaz de alumbrar una realidad con connotaciones perceptivas distintas. Se trata de una realidad donde lo relevante es la inmersión en los fenómenos espacio temporales, la ...
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