12   Artículos

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Aldi Adista Juliadi,Alya Sophia Oktirellia,Yusuf Maulana,Asep Hadian Sasmita,Vina Dwiyanti     Pág. 1 - 13
Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) is one of the institutions that focuses on ready-to-work graduates. This study aims to identify vocational education in logistics and supply chain in producing a workforce that meets logistics industry s... ver más
Revista: Invotec    Formato: Electrónico

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Adimas Firmansyah,Ajeng Febriani Samsudin,Reinaldo Yusuf Aqmal,Asep Hadian Sasmita,Vina Dwiyanti     Pág. 14 - 21
The development of science and technology, especially in the field of information and technology, has helped and supported progress in all fields, including education. Learning processes that utilize technology and information in providing vocational edu... ver más
Revista: Invotec    Formato: Electrónico

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Makmun Syadullah,Adwiena Dwiyanti     Pág. 42 - 51
The issue of WTO reforms launched by the European Union and Canada in July 2018 is an, the issue of Most Favored Nation, the problem of overseeing the opportunity for developing countries to fight for their interests. This reform is expected to have a po... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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M. Syaom Barliana,Leli Alhapip,Ana Ana,Yulia Rahmawati,Muktiarni Muktiarni,Vina Dwiyanti     Pág. 160 - 173
The challenges with vocational education are that graduates are not prepared to work because they do not have the competencies required by the business industry. The graduates from vocational high school have a high unemployment rate because the cur... ver más
Revista: Invotec    Formato: Electrónico

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Ulfa Dwiyanti Pane,Nurmaidah Nurmaidah     Pág. 42 - 51
Traffic Impact Analysis is a study of traffic impacts that occur due to changes in traffic arrangements due to a development or development in a particular region. To anticipate the influence of a large enough traffic, it is necessary to conduct a Traffi... ver más
Revista: Journal of Civil Engineering; Building and Trasportation    Formato: Electrónico

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Retno Dwiyanti, Hazalizah Binti Hamzah, Nurul Binti Abas     Pág. 96 - 104
Employee turnover is a classic problem that is often faced by entrepreneurs. The behavior of employees who move from one company to another can be an indication of employee dissatisfaction with the company and the lack of good relations between employees... ver más

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V. Dwiyanti,Ana Ana,I. Widianingsih10.17509/invotec.v14i2.14362   Abstract views: 198       PDF downloads: 379     Pág. 98 - 103
Industrial education is a dual system learning between industry and school. In this learning of vocational high school must fulfill industry and school qualification. Industrial education will help student to know and understand industry demand. In disru... ver más
Revista: Invotec    Formato: Electrónico

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Dwiyanti Dwiyanti     Pág. 127 - 136
Competition between the centers is caused by the differences between the two centers. The research is analysis strategy of competitiveness increase of a study of Bobung Wooden Batik Craft Center and Krebet Wooden Batik Craft Center. The aim of this resea... ver más
Revista: Economics Development Analysis Journal    Formato: Electrónico

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