7   Artículos

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Khaled Trabelsi, Lassad Tiss, Benjamin Sames, Yassine Houla, Amine Hanini, Faycel Elferhi, Ahmed Skanji, Fekri Kamoun, Mohamed Faouzi Zagrarni and Michael Wagreich    
Marginal-marine to non-marine ostracod assemblages from the Bajocian (Mid-Jurassic) of southern Tunisia, precisely from the Krachoua Formation at the Kef El Anneba section near the Beni Kheddache area, are here described and tested for their utility to i... ver más
Revista: Geosciences    Formato: Electrónico

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James R. Bonelli, Jr. and Peter P. Flaig    
Late Cretaceous coastal plain deposits of the Prince Creek Formation (PCF) offer a rare glimpse into an ancient, high-latitude, arctic greenhouse ecosystem for which there is no modern analog. Here, we employ quantitative biofacies analysis to explore th... ver más
Revista: Geosciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Romana Melis and Gianguido Salvi    
Foraminifers and ostracods were studied in a gravity-core recovered near Cape Adare (Ross Sea, Antarctica) with the aim of identifying the climatic and oceanographic variations during the last 30 ka. The sedimentary sequence represents conditions of a co... ver más
Revista: Geosciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Fernanda Serra,Nicolás A. Feltes,Matías Mango,Miles A. Henderson,Guillermo L. Albanesi,Gladys Ortega     Pág. 125 - 143
The Ordovician System is extensively represented in the Precordillera of San Juan Province, Argentina. At the Cerro La Chilca in the Jáchal area, the limestone of the San Juan Formation is paraconformably overlain by interbedded limestone and shale of th... ver más
Revista: Andean Geology    Formato: Electrónico

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Mariel Ferrari,Santiago Bessone     Pág. 349 - 363
A shallow marine invertebrate association is reported from a new Early Jurassic locality namely La Casilda, which is situated in the southwestern region of the Chubut Basin (Patagonia, Argentina). The marine deposits of La Casilda are located in the Río ... ver más
Revista: Andean Geology    Formato: Electrónico

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Humberto Padilla,Sara Elgueta     Pág. 83 - 89
RESUMEN. Depositos neogenos marinos de Caleta Patillos, norte de Chile: su relacion con los sedimentos neogenos de la peninsula de Mejillones. En Caleta Patillos (20°43'S), 80 km al sur de Iquique, aflora una secuencia marina neogena de 10 m de espesor, ... ver más
Revista: Andean Geology    Formato: Electrónico

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