Madinah Shamsu and Muhammad Akbar
Hurricane storm surges are influenced by wind intensity, forward speed, width and slope of the ocean bottom, central pressure, angle of approach, shape of coastal lines, local features, and storm size. A numerical experiment is conducted using the Advanc...
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Ginni Callahan, Markes E. Johnson, Rigoberto Guardado-France and Jorge Ledesma-Vázquez
This project examines the role of hurricane-strength events likely to have exceeded 119 km/h in wind speed that entered the Gulf of California from the open Pacific Ocean during Late Pleistocene and Holocene times to impact the granodiorite shoreline on ...
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Jean T. Ellis, Michelle E. Harris, Mayra A. Román-Rivera, J. Brianna Ferguson, Peter A. Tereszkiewicz and Sean P. McGill
Over one-third of the Earth?s population resides or works within 200 km of the coast. The increasing threat of coastal hazards with predicted climate change will impact many global citizens. Coastal dune systems serve as a natural first line of defense a...
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David S. Ullman, Isaac Ginis, Wenrui Huang, Catherine Nowakowski, Xuanyu Chen and Peter Stempel
The southern New England coast of the United States is particularly vulnerable to land-falling hurricanes because of its east-west orientation. The impact of two major hurricanes on the city of Providence (Rhode Island, USA) during the middle decades of ...
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Emil Simiu, Peter Vickery, and Ahsan Kareem
Pág. 1043 - 1045
Xu, Y L; Saffir, Herbert S
Pág. 1093 - 1093