14   Artículos

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Madlene Pfeiffer, Monica Ionita     Pág. 1 - 18
In light of recent anthropogenic-induced climate change, a burning question at present is how these changes influence the water regime of rivers, which are of vital importance for humans as well as for biota. In this study, we investigate the changes in ... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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V. Eleftheriou, J. Knieling     Pág. 73 - 80
HafenCity is the largest, ongoing, urban regeneration program in Europe. The old port area of Hamburg is fully reconstructed with a series of urban planning, traffic and building interventions, in the context of sustainable development (middle road back,... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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Cornelia Hesse, Valentina Krysanova     Pág. 1 - 31
Eco-hydrological water quality modeling for integrated water resources management of river basins should include all necessary landscape and in-stream nutrient processes as well as possible changes in boundary conditions and driving forces for nutrient b... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Markus Noack, Sabine U. Gerbersdorf, Gudrun Hillebrand and Silke Wieprecht    
In contrast to non-cohesive sediments, the incipient motion of cohesive sediments is characterized by much more complex interactions between several sedimentary, biological, and chemical parameters. Thus, site-specific investigations are required to obta... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Zuzana Balounová, Eva Pechou?ková, Josef Rajchard, Vít Joza, Jan ?inko    
Pectinatella magnifica (Leidy 1851) is an invasive freshwater colonial animal belonging to the phylum Bryozoa. It is native to the area east of the Mississippi River, from Ontario to Florida. Currently it occurs throughout North America and the first rec... ver más
Revista: European Journal of Environmental Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Bernd Spänhoff, Roland Dimmer, Holm Friese, Steve Harnapp, Frank Herbst, Kerstin Jenemann, Antje Mickel, Sylvia Rohde, Michaela Schönherr, Katrin Ziegler, Karin Kuhn and Uwe Müller    
The Federal State of Saxony (Germany) transposed the EU Water Framework Directive into state law, identifying 617 surface water bodies (rivers and streams) for implementation of the water framework directive (WFD). Their ecological status was classified ... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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