Cristina Torrecillas, Andres Payo, Manuel Cobos, Helen Burke, Dave Morgan, Helen Smith and Gareth Owen Jenkins
This study represents the first attempt to map the sediment thickness spatial distribution along the Andalusian coastal zone by integrating various publicly available datasets. While prior studies have presented bedform- and sediment-type syntheses, none...
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Fernando Díaz del Olmo, José A. Caro Gómez, César Borja Barrera, José M. Recio Espejo, Rafael Cámara Artigas and Aránzazu Martínez Aguirre
This research addresses the geomorphological connectivity existing amid the piedmont?s karstic fillings (Sierra de Esparteros) and the Guadaíra and Guadalquivir Rivers? alluvial terraces (SW of Spain), spotted with vestiges of human activities (Middle Pa...
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Francisco Javier López-Escudero, Joaquín Romero, Rocío Bocanegra-Caro and Antonio Santos-Rufo
Developing models to understand disease dynamics and predict the risk of disease outbreaks to facilitate decision making is an integral component of plant disease management. However, these models have not yet been developed for one of the most damaging ...
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Borrego-Marín María M., Expósito A. and Berbel J.
This study describes an economic model in the Guadalquivir river basin (Southern Spain) that considers inter-sectoral and hydrological effects of changes in water use as a response to various water-pricing policy scenarios. The main economic variables in...
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Manel Fernàndez, Montserrat Torne, Jaume Vergés, Emilio Casciello and Chiara Macchiavelli
The present structure of the Iberia?Africa plate boundary between the Gorringe Bank and the Algerian Basin is characterized by a highly segmented geometry and diffused seismicity. Filtered Bouguer gravity data show conspicuous highs coinciding with the G...
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N. Carbajal-Ballell
Pág. e294
El Salto del Jándula es una de las obras civiles paradigmáticas del siglo XX. Su característica central hidroeléctrica adosada al cuerpo de presa la ha convertido en referencia indiscutible entre arquitectos, ingenieros o historiadores. Y esta mirada pol...
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O. Gil
Pág. e273
El puente de Alfonso XIII de Sevilla fue construido en el extremo norte del canal del mismo nombre o Corta de Tablada, inicio de un ambicioso programa de ampliación del puerto de Sevilla. Fue inaugurado en 1926, poco antes de la Exposición Iberoamericana...
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Fernando Delgado-Ramos and Carmen Hervás-Gámez
Accurately forecasting streamflow values is essential to achieve an efficient, integrated water resources management strategy and to provide consistent support to water decision-makers. We present a simple, low-cost, and robust approach for forecasting m...
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Carlos Gutiérrez-Martín, María M. Borrego-Marín and Julio Berbel
This paper develops a methodology for the economic analysis of water use proposed by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (SEEA-Water) standard tables. Our proposal satisfies the requireme...
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Alfonso Expósito and Julio Berbel
This paper analyses the agricultural irrigation water use in a closed basin and the impacts on water productivity, and examines how they have affected the ?closure? process of the Guadalquivir river basin observed in recent decades. Following a period of...
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