25   Artículos

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Andreas Wurzinger, Florian Kraxberger, Paul Maurerlehner, Bernhard Mayr-Mittermüller, Peter Rucz, Harald Sima, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Stefan Schoder    
Acoustic emissions play a major role in the usability of many product categories. Therefore, mitigating the emitted sound directly at the source is paramount to improve usability and customer satisfaction. To reliably predict acoustic emissions, numerica... ver más
Revista: Acoustics    Formato: Electrónico

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Lucas Mayr, Lucas Palma, Gustavo Zambonin, Wellington Silvano and Ricardo Custódio    
Private key management is a complex obstacle arising from the traditional public key infrastructure model. However, before any related security breach can be addressed, it must first be reliably detected. Certificate Transparency (CT) is an example of a ... ver más
Revista: Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Johannes Pordzik, Anke Bernstein, Julius Watrinet, Hermann O. Mayr, Sergio H. Latorre, Hagen Schmal and Michael Seidenstuecker    
Just like menisci, articular cartilage is exposed to constant and varying stresses. Injuries to the meniscus are associated with the development of gonarthritis. Both the articular cartilage and the menisci are subject to structural changes under gonarth... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Florian Windhager, Saminu Salisu and Eva Mayr    
Uncertainty is a standard condition under which large parts of art-historical and curatorial knowledge creation and communication are operating. In contrast to standard levels of data quality in non-historical research domains, historical object and know... ver más
Revista: Informatics    Formato: Electrónico

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Stefan Mayr, David Lixl     Pág. 85 - 98
SMEs represent an important pillar in every economy, but in terms of financial performance they are inherently more exposed to financial volatility than large enterprises. Constrained access to resources and the liability of smallness lead to a higher pr... ver más
Revista: Journal of Small Business Strategy    Formato: Electrónico

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Martin Niedermeier, Carina Grafetstätter, Martin Kopp, Daniela Huber, Michaela Mayr, Christina Pichler and Arnulf Hartl    
Green exercise might have positive effects on health and affective states. Little is known about the ideal characteristics of the natural environment, where exercise is conducted in. Thus, the primary aim of the present study was to investigate the effec... ver más

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David L. Dent,Robert A. MacMillan,Thomas L. Mayr,William K. Chapman,Shannon M. Berch    
We obtained radiometric data from a public-domain archive maintained by Natural Resources Canada and processed them to produce a ternary image for a portion of the Cariboo region. A field program was used to evaluate what information could be reliably in... ver más
Revista: Journal of Ecosystems and Management    Formato: Electrónico

usuarios registrados
A. Sawicki, L. Switon and R. Sosinski     Pág. 41 - 44
Revista: WELDING JOURNAL    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
M. Moser and P.H. Mayr     Pág. 357 - 360
Revista: SCRIPTA MATERIALIA    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Mayr, C.; Heittmann, A.; Schffny, R.     Pág. 955 - 959

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