Gamavuton-0 (GVT-0) is a new pharmaceutical compound that has proven to treat the inflammatory disease at the joint and cartilage tissue. The study of effect of pH towards the solubility of GVT-0 is important to improve the bioavailability and drug absorption effectiveness under human physiological condition, however, these solubility data are not yet available. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to determine the solubility data of GVT-0 under different pH and temperature range and to correlate the solubility data with different thermodynamic models to evaluate its molecular interaction. GVT- 0 was synthesized from acetone and vanillin, using ethanol as solvent and concentrated hydrochloric acid, as the catalyst. The chemical structure of the compound was confirmed using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 1H-NMR and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy FTIR. The solubility studies were performed by dissolving GVT-0 in aqueous solution at different pH conditions of 2, 4, 6 and 8 and temperatures of 300K, 305K, 310K and 315K at solid-liquid equilibrium condition. The obtained results show that GVT-0 solubility increases with increasing temperature. However, the effect of pH is not significant compared to effect of temperature, with highest solubility measured at pH 8. GVT-0 solubility data will be useful and can be applied to the drug formulation of the compound to improve its solubility in drug absorption process.