Development of a target management system model and an adaptive IT organizational structure in the state atomic energy corporation ROSATOM engineering division

S.A. Klyatetskiy    


The article is about problem solving of creating an adaptive organizational IT structure of the engineering division of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.The relevance of this work is caused by the increase of simultaneously constructing nuclear power plants in the State Corporation "Rosatom" portfolio, and also by the increase of a large number of simultaneously implementing IT projects and the lack of possibility to increase IT employees. These facts enhance demand to revise the current organizational structure of the digitalization and IT department in the engineering division of Rosatom in order to find the most optimal management system that ensures the fulfillment of the obligations facing the state corporation. The novelty of the work lies in the combination of two methods to form a target IT organizational structure: define production tasks and an organizational modeling method based on mathematical models. In order to form an optimal organizational structure, the scope of tasks and projects required for implementation is determined, then a graph of the target structure is formed and optimal levels of management are calculated. To assess the effectiveness of the target organizational structure, indicators of structural redundancy are calculated, also other indicators are assessed: unevenness and relevance of the distribution of connections, the compatibility of links, structural compactness and centrality index. In conclusion, a comparison of calculations results for current and target organizational structure is given. In the new organizational structure, a model of a "pulling" system has been formed, when the production chain of digital products is divided into departments. To coordinate all IT departments activities, an IT project office is allocated, which coordinates all stakeholders and project teams activities in the interests of NPP construction projects. New organizational structure is more compact and adaptive, does not have structural redundancy, and also has a high level of relevance of functional links, which in general proves the feasibility of using such structures and the effectiveness of their implementation at the large holdings or corporations.