Business Information Systems research deals with the conceptualization, development, introduction, maintenance and utilization of systems for computer-assisted information processing within companies and enterprise-wide networks. This CSIMQ issue contains five articles that deal with various information system (IS) issues, including IS security, product-related ISs, blockchain technology and sensor technology. The call for this issue was particularly targeted towards extended articles of two workshops that were held in conjunction with the 13th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling. The first is the BES 2020 workshop (i.e., 1st Workshop on Blockchain and Enterprise Systems), which has the ambition to change the way one thinks, designs and implements ISs. The second one is ManComp 2020 (i.e., 5th Workshop on Managed Complexity), which is focused on approaches and methods for managing the complexity of ISs and IS interaction within ecosystems.