Anne-Christine Mupepele and Carsten F. Dormann
Forest harvest alters natural nutrient cycles, which is reflected in stream water run-off from harvested catchments. Nitrate is an essential nutrient for plant growth, but increased concentrations in rivers, lakes, and oceans have contributed to eutrophi...
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J. S. Speier, L. Yadgary, Z. Uni, and E. A. Wong
Pág. 1941 - 1949
Cristina Fernández,José A. Vega,Salvador Bara,Margarita Alonso,Teresa Fonturbel
Pág. 218 - 227
An experimental study was carried out between 1987 and 1999, to assess the effect of the sequence wildfire-clearfelling-coppice sprout selection thinning, on streamflow nutrient export in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. watershed in Galicia (NW Spain). The...
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X. F. Hu, Y. M. Guo, B. Y. Huang, S. Bun, L. B. Zhang, J. H. Li, D. Liu, F. Y. Long, X. Yang, and P. Jiao
Pág. 1967 - 1974
C. R. Mott, P. B. Siegel, K. E. Webb, Jr., and E. A. Wong
Pág. 2215 - 2224