Pág. 45 - 54
Traditional approaches are generally applied in accounting education. Traditional approaches take place on the basis of teacher activity, using blackboard or various presentation tools, and usually on the basis of case analysis and homework. The student ...
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Muhammad Rosikhul Ulum, Heri Yanto, Widiyanto Widiyanto
Pág. 106 - 113
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sebuah kawasan pasar bebas yang berdaya saing tinggi yang akan terintegrasi dengan perekonomian global. Salah satu kesepakatan yang disetujui dalam pasar bebas ini adalah kesepakatan dalam bidang ...
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Elma Mardelina,Ali Muhson 10.21831/economia.v13i2.13239
Pág. 201 - 209
Abstract: Working Student and Its Impact on Learning Activities and Academic Achievements. This study is aimed to find out the impact of part-time jobs to the learning activities and academic achievements. The population of this study is students Faculty...
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Noormalita Primandaru 10.21831/economia.v13i1.13276
Pág. 68 - 78
Abstract: The Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Intention of College Students. The alternative to solve an unemployment problem is to empower the educated person through entrepreneurship programs at colleges that are expected to contribute to employm...
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Dani Rahman Hakim, Agus Wahyudin, Partono Thomas
Pág. 154 - 167
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis pengaruh Prestasi Belajar dan Aktivitas Berorganisasi terhadap Daya Saing mahasiswa. 2) Menganalisis peran Soft Skill sebagai variabel intervening yang memediasi pengaruh tidak langsung Prestasi Belajar dan...
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