One of the most important areas of sustainable development is the transport sector. There are a lot of different examples of sustainable transport in many papers. The most commonly used definitions of sustainable transport include environmentally sustainable transport, sustainable transport system and process sustainability of the transport system. The differences between the cited concepts are generally minor, substantially greater difficulties arise, however, in measuring the characteristics of the sustainability of transport, not only in the base - by analyzing the indicators, but especially in a multidimensional system aimed at exploring the relationship between the characteristics chosen to describe sustainable transport. The aim of this paper is to identify and select indicators repeated in different strategic documents describing sustainable transport, then study the spatial coherence selected for the study of these indicators and conduct an analysis of relations between the identified areas of sustainable transport. In the available literature, the results of such analyses to date are based mainly on the analysis of sustainability of individual indicators. Much less attention has been devoted to the study of interactions between the indicated areas. In this paper, the vector calculus method is applied.