Commercial transport is seen as early adopter of electric mobility. But there is lack of knowledge regarding the use of battery electric vehicles for commercial transportation and potential user groups. We outline a reliable and cost effective methodology to identify vehicles that can be substituted by battery electric vehicles in corporate fleets ? technologically and economically efficient. We analyzed statistical data to identify economic sectors that might suit for electric mobility and conducted an online survey with fleet managers of these sectors to gain knowledge about driving patterns and their attitude towards the use of BEV. Furthermore we conducted a GPS data tracking of selected corporate fleets to proof substitution potentials. The analysis was done in Austria and Germany. For fleet management systems designed for mixed and electric fleets we outline a framework and explain algorithmic concepts. Finally, we derive recommendations for stakeholders such as policy makers, vehicle manufacturers, service providers and corporate fleet operators. The statistical analyses show that highest potentials for battery electric vehicles are according to NACE nomenclature in Wholesale and retail trade, Service and Human health sector. The survey revealed that driving range of battery electric vehicles already comply daily mileage requirements with a high extent within Germany nursing companies and pharmacies. Furthermore, the attitude of the interrogated fleet managers towards the use of BEV is mostly positive but detailed knowledge about BEV and driving patterns of the own vehicles is lacking. Finally, the GPS data tracking could proof high potentials for BEV in these economic sectors.