Station Area Design Approach for Enhancing Multimodal Urban Transport System, New Delhi

Prathamesh Saygaonkar    
Mansha Swami    
M. Parida    


Delhi metro was conceived foreseeing the rising concern of traffic in and around the Delhi region and after implementation it helped in reducing considerable amount of personalized vehicles off the roads of Delhi. Delhi metro runs with the support of other modes like Feeder bus, DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) bus, IPT (Intermediate Public Transport) etc. and form the framework of multimodal urban public transport system of Delhi. It forms the life line of Delhi's urban transportation scenario. This research aims to study various aspects of station area design in order to enhance the passenger's comfort and convenience. The station amenities like physical infrastructure including parking area, transfer area, metro ridership data, pedestrian network, bicycle facilities, feeder shelter, taxi stands (IPT Stands) etc. play a key role in convenient transfers in a multimodal transport system. The Delhi metro stations of Red line and Yellow line were identified for the case study. A commuter travel time questionnaire and detailed station area inventory was conducted to assess the existing situation. Several design area parameters were analysed for improvement of station area premises. Based on the analysis this study identifies good practices and recommendations are given to improve the existing system performance.