Occasionally, wind curtailments may be required to avoid an oversupply when wind power, together with the minimum conventional generation, exceed load. By curtailing wind power, the forecast uncertainty and short-term variations in wind power can be mitigated so that a lower spinning reserve is sufficient to maintain the operational security of a power system. Additionally, the electric vehicle (EV) charging load can relieve the oversupply of wind power generation and avoid uneconomical wind power curtailments. This paper presents a stochastic generation scheduling method to ensure the operation security against wind power variation as well as against forecast uncertainty considering the stochastic EV charging load. In the paper, the short-term variations of wind power that are mitigated by the wind curtailment are investigated, and incorporated into a generation scheduling problem as the mixed-integer program (MIP) forms. Numerical results are also presented in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.