C-LIEGE ?Clean Last mile transport and logistics management for smart and efficient local Governments in Europe? is a STEER Intelligent Energy Europe Programme 2010 project focused on developing integrated framework for energy-efficient urban freight transport demand management and planning. C-LIEGE is conceived as a showcase for good practices and a helping hand for European cities striving for cleaner and sustainable urban freight transport and logistics. C-LIEGE provides solutions for decision makers and professionals in Local Authorities and for freight operators. C-LIEGE empowers a cooperative approach between public and private stakeholders targeted on the reduction of energetic and environmental impacts of freight transport in European cities and regions. C-LIEGE successfully developed and tested freight transport demand-oriented measures and decision supporting tools towards reduction of energy, environmental and economic impacts of freight transport in urban environments. A set of integrated solutions and measures were implemented and tested by the support of newly developed C-LIEGE tools: the Stakeholder Engagement Manual, Good Practice Database, Push and Pull Measures Database, Guideline for the development of Urban Freight Mobility Plan as well as the C-LIEGE Toolbox for the establishment of a City Logistics Manager. Seven pilot experiments in six European countries assessed effectiveness of the C-LIEGE approach: Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany and Malta. The pilot cities selected and implemented a package of demand-oriented measures such as access fees and time windows restrictions, environmental zones, recognition schemes, freight maps, Freight Quality Partnerships, etc. A total of 35 demand-oriented measures were implemented in the C-LIEGE pilot cities, based upon the C-LIEGE toolbox and guidelines. The C-LIEGE pilot sites have introduced a wide range of measures aimed at reducing the impacts of urban freight transport: Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) in Newcastle (UK), introduction of access restrictions for heavier freight vehicles in Montana (Bulgaria), new freight mapping in Leicester (UK) accessible via smart phone, re-routing measures in Stuttgart (Germany) as well as Hal-Tarxien (Malta), the establishment of Freight Quality Partnerships (FQPs) as well as Local Freight Development Plans (LFDPs) in all pilot cities. The results achieved in each C-LIEGE pilot site is summarized as follows: decreasing of CO, CO2, NOx and PM10 emissions (tons/year) generated by freight vehicles (Leicester: 15.3%; Newcastle: 9.5%; Stuttgart: 13.2%; Szczecin: 27.8%; Montana: 11.9%; Hal-Tarxien: 10.6%; Piacenza/Emilia-Romagna: 41.2%/44.4%), decreasing fossil fuel consumption (Leicester: 10.5%; Newcastle: 9.4%; Stuttgart: 13.1%; Szczecin: 27.8%; Montana: 11.9%; Hal-Tarxien: 10.5%; Piacenza/Emilia-Romagna: 1.7%/1.5%), decreasing operating costs for freight carriers (Leicester: 6.5% Newcastle: 5.4%; Stuttgart: 7.4%; Szczecin: 18.2%; Montana: 7.7%; Hal-Tarxien: 9.1%; Piacenza/Emilia-Romagna: 17.5%/20.1%). C-LIEGE finally filled the existing gap in know-how and professionalism in the sector by designing, fine-tuning and delivering the complimentary capabilities of City Logistics Manager. For the first time in Europe, the well-known Mobility Manager whose duties are focused on passenger transport only can be paired with a City Logistics Manager. We are convinced that the C-LIEGE tools and experiences will be of great value for urban freight transport management and logistics in other European cities and regions.