The main aim of the study is to investigate general and temporal characteristics of wind speed and direction at Ecosystem station (ES) Rajec located in southern highlands of the Czech Republic which is part of Czech Carbon Observation System (CzeCOS) network. Four years (2013-16) of eddy co-variance data from mature monoculture spruce (Picea abies) forest was used to build the wind rose and analyze the wind characteristics. The prevailing wind directions at ES Rajec were South-East and North-West and general orography of region being a highland does not impact the wind flow. Seasonal variation in the wind was observed which was mainly due to general circulation. The paper also investigates the occurrence of calm wind conditions (u <1 m s-1) which was 6% on an average for four years and the average of day-time and night-time calm conditions were observed as 8% and 4% respectively.