SASS-C processing capability of MSPSR data

Nikolas ?ácik    
Andrej Novák    
Andrés Soto    
Grzegorz Drupka    


The main objective of this expertise was to examine if Surveillance Analysis and Support System for ATC Centre (SASS-C) verification tool is interoperable with currently implemented Multi-Static Primary Surveillance Radar (MSPSR) and Passive Surveillance System (PSS) technologies as well as with type of data that are delivered by them. In case of SASS-C is not interoperable to work with MSPSR/ PSS data yet, the task is to suggest appropriate solutions and suggestions for verif Opportunity Traffic Reconstructor (OTR) algorithm to use these values with an appropriate level of confidence. Our research was focused to simulation of the data and data handling of different sensor systems now and in the future. We are expecting new technologies (MSPSR and PSS systems) to become widely used as the base stone of the surveillance in the coming years. The whole expertise was done in European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), Brussels in cooperation of Surveillance Services Department, SASS-C team with the University of Zilina, Air Transport Department. The article describes whole expertise and offer to the reader guide how to simulate pure MSPSR and PSS data in SASS-C VERIF tool. The whole simulation is based on modifications done on the existing datasets obtained from multilateration (MLAT) sensors. In our experiment we used datasets provided by Air Navigation services of Czech Republic (CZ ANS). All modifications, which have been done, are described in this document as well as suggestions, outcomes and conclusions of the analysis.