This study accomplished a comparison between microfiltration and addition of coagulating agents to clarify sugar cane juice. Microfiltration tests were carried out using ceramic tubular membranes made with TiO2/a-Al2O3, with pore diameter of 0.2; 0.4 and 0.6 mm. The transmembrane pressures applied were 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 bar, and temperature was kept constant at 20ºC. Clarification test with addition of coagulating agents were performed with PAC and Ca (OH)2 at 65ºC. The highest permeate flow was 76 kg h-1 m-2 at 1.0 bar with 0.6 µm-membrane. The clarification process with membranes achieved a reduction of turbidity and color superior to 92 and 16%, respectively. In the clarification by adding coagulating agents we verified a reduction superior to 78 and 46% to turbidity and color, respectively.