Transforming small towns by remedial street design

Fotini Kehagia    


The basic principle for a proper road design is a balanced consideration of the factors capacity and safety adapted in an environment-friendly context. This approach, generally adopted in the case of interurban road projects is also applicable to small urban localities. In a remedial street design plan the factor ?environment? needs to be examined in close relation with road safety and traffic capacity at the design stage. The aim of the new tendency in urban road network re-design is to find solutions that meet the need of society to move easily and safely, all by providing a pleasant natural background. In this paper, basic principles for the re-design of street networks combining safe mobility with friendly environment and aesthetics are presented. This model for street re-design was applied to three small towns of the Prefecture of Phthia, to face serious traffic and environment problems. Accordingly, the formulated proposal moved towards a holistic consideration of the urban road space and the related activities, operations and peculiarities. The accent was given to concrete but applicable measures to accommodate and assist the varying needs of citizens for mobility providing a street network that is driven calmly enhancing the surrounding environment.