Este artigo tem por objetivo trazer uma abordagem sobre aspectos das origens e avanços da EducaçãoAmbiental no contexto do Curso de Doutorado em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento da UFPR. Buscamosexpor as primeiras idéias que geraram outras e permitiram construir o Programa Interdisciplinardo Doutorado, o projeto, o plano de ensino com as primeiras ementas, os conteúdos socioambientais eda educação trabalhados no ensino e na pesquisa do referido curso. A epistemologia da EA privilegioua construção de conhecimentos, no momento em que o mundo, o meio ambiente e a educação oscilamentre a modernidade e a pós-modernidade. Infere-se que a EA apresenta uma produção de conhecimentoemergente e que a ciência, frente às novas tendências, trata das complexidades do mundo e das complexidadesambientais interdisciplinarmente.Environmental education: origins, reformulations andadvances in graduate-level teaching and research -the Ph.D case MADE-UFPRAbstract This article aims at approaching some aspects of the origins and advances made in environmental educationwithin the context of a doctoral program about the environment and development, at UFPR (FederalUniversity of Paraná). We tried to present the initial ideas that, having led to others, allowed us to set upthe doctoral programs interdisciplinary content, the project, the teaching plan with its first adjustments,the socio-environmental and educational contents developed for teaching and carrying out research. Theepistemology of environmental education privileged the construction of knowledge at a time when theworld, the environment, and education are swinging between modernity and post-modernity. It is inferred that environmental education presents an emerging production of knowledge and that science, facing thenew trends, addresses the complexities of the world and the environmental complexities in aninterdisciplinary way.