Cristina BARNA
Pág. 7 - 9
Starting with 2015, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015), the global new plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity has raised debates in the academic and research environments, and not only. The 2030 Agenda for Susta...
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Citra Ayu Rossi Wulandari, Banatul Hayati
Pág. 328 - 342
This study examines the relationship between economic growth, population growth, foreign direct investment, export, energy consumption and environmental degradation in the case of Indonesia. The time component of the dataset is 1981-2017 inclusive. The V...
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I Gede Agus Ariutama, Anisa Fahmi
Pág. 54 - 64
This study aims at determining inclusive growth and exploring the relationship between inclusive growth, educational attainment and morbidity rate in Papua province. This is due to the fact that Papua Province with special autonomy status attempts to cat...
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Elleriz Aisha Khasandy,Rudy Badrudin
Pág. 65 - 79
Indonesia as a one of the most significant Muslim population in the world has developed zakat rapidly; it is shown by the development of the zakat regulation and establishes of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS). Zakat has many benefit for economic both ...
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Marelene Mendoza,Stefania Loja Macías
Pág. 81 - 92
Tourism is a potential option of generating resources for the developing economies. However, not much is known about social entrepreneurship development in the Ecuadorian tourism. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore social entrepreneurship dev...
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