In this study, an agroclimatic classification is made based on the calculation of the solar radiation potentials, taking into consideration the altitude, the orientation and the tilt of the mountains. A clear (cloudless) atmosphere with a visibility of 23 km was considered. For the calculation of the solar radiation the Kuznetzov model was used. The zones of maximum radiation generated by the model are coincident with the hottest areas of the state. Therefore, the model and metodology are to be trusted for the planning of land use of a hilly zone. For 113 stations in the state of Guerrero, five micro zones of maximum radiation were found which appear for all the considered orientations and slopes. One of these micro zones corresponds to the region between Cutzamala de Pinzón, Altamirano and Tialchapa, another one to Chichihuaico, a third in Iguala, part of Huitzuco and part of Tepecoacuiico, a fourth in the region between Atlixtac and Atlamajalcingo del Monte and the last one where the municipalities of La Unión, Coyuca de Catalán, Tecpan de Galeana and Petatlán join together.