Innovative Means for Enhancing of Vehicle Drivers? Reliability

Sergey Bebinov    
Stanislav Kapralov    


Reaching the goal of enhancing of vehicle drivers? reliability is facilitated with a range of factors to be considered as elements of the integral and functionally significant multitude of factors, namely: professional suitability, competence, working efficiency, controllability with the help of technical control means enhancing the motivation to observe traffic regulations and safe driving practices. The training of so-called defensive driving aimed at enhancing of the professional competence has gained widespread appreciation. The innovative originality of these trainings is in the purposeful formation in drivers of systematic knowledge and skills allowing for adequate assessment of risks while driving a vehicle and, consequently, building up the tactics to drive with the traffic flow with account of the individual driving style. At the same time, drivers? insufficient motivation to observe the work and rest schedule requirements, which results in decrease of working efficiency, escalates professional risks. The methodology of using tachographs of the new generation allowing for minimization of human factor influence at the device data control may serve as a tool for labor discipline enhancement.

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