Development of an automated hydraulic brake control system for testing aircraft turboshaft gas turbine engines

Petro Kachanov    
Oleksandr Lytviak    
Oleksandr Derevyanko    
Sergii Komar    


To absorb the power generated by a free turbine, hydraulic brake systems of various designs are used in ground tests of aircraft turboshaft gas turbine engines. Ground tests of aircraft turboshaft gas turbine engines with the use of such hydraulic brakes can result in emergency modes of automated engine control in the area of operation of a free turbine speed regulator. Mismatch between the hydraulic brake loading characteristics and the loading characteristics of the rotor driven by a free turbine of the engine is the main cause of emergency operation of automated control systems.The presented experimental loading characteristics of the hydraulic brake and the helicopter rotor show their significant difference in terms of gain. To eliminate this difference, a possibility of modeling dynamic parameters of rotors by simple automation means was considered. To solve this problem, a linear dynamic model and a block diagram of an automated hydraulic brake control system for ground testing of turboshaft gas turbine engines were elaborated. The law of regulation of the hydraulic brake loading was substantiated. A structurally dynamic diagram of the developed automated control system was presented and calculation formulas for determining the regulator parameters were given. Transient characteristics of the hydraulic brake unit without automation means and with the use of an automated loading control system were calculated. The presented calculation results have shown that the use of automation make it possible to fully emulate characteristics of the helicopter rotors