Study on Speed and Time-headway Distributions on Two-lane Bidirectional Road in Heterogeneous Traffic Condition

Akhilesh Kumar Maurya    
Sanhita Das    
Shreya Dey    
Suresh Nama    


In the present paper an attempt has been made to have an idea about speed and headway distribution pattern in heterogeneous traffic condition comprising of various motorized and non-motorized vehicles having widely varying speed range. Distribution of speed and time headway has been studied for different density levels namely, 0-20 PCU/km, 20-40 PCU/km, 40-60 PCU/km and 60-80 PCU/km. Statistical validity of each distribution is evaluated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. Results show that the speed and time headway follow different distribution patterns under different density levels. Moreover speed distribution profile is evaluated for different types of vehicle and time headway distribution profiles are also determined for different vehicle pairs. The findings can be used for developing simulation models for two-way, two-lane roads under heterogeneous conditions.