Seismic evaluation for two rural housing prototypes built with hollow concrete blocks, in Ocuilapa of Juárez, Chiapas, Mexico

L. Escamirosa    
M. Ocampo    
C. Del Carpio    
R. Arroyo    


In the rural areas of Mexico and Latin America, prevails the people of low income, living in unsafe and unhealthy, precarious housing that anchored to its inhabitants in the cycle of poverty. The academic team, with the purpose of contributing to the solution to the problem of rural housing, developed prototypes of low-cost housing were built by families living in conditions of high marginalization in the town of Ocuilapa Juárez, Chiapas. The construction used materials in the place; the foundation stone, sand with high clay content (22%) in the preparation of hollow concrete block and wood in the roof structure. This article presents the results of measurements made with accelerometers in two homes, to determine the level of vulnerability to seismic scenarios. The fundamental period of vibration obtained are from 0.08 to 0.12 seconds; range of values recommended by (Hernández et al.,1979), for structurally sound homes. Also, the analyses carried out prove that dwellings are in "low vulnerability" in the presence of some earthquakes.