Nematicidal activity of leaves of common shrub and tree species from Southern Chile against Meloidogyne hapla.

Laura Böhm    
Nolberto Arismendi    
Luigi Ciampi    


The biological control of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla, was evaluated through the addition of organic amendments of dry and chopped leaves of Buddleja globosa, Drymis winteri, Eucalyptus globulus, Gevuina avellana, Laurelia sempervirens, Luma apiculata, Maytenus boaria and Ugni molinae to the soil substratum. The assays were carried out in pots seeded with lettuce plants (cv. Reina de Mayo). All pots were inoculated with 2000 eggs and juveniles of M. hapla, and then maintained under greenhouse conditions for 45 days. Control pots without foliage additions were also seeded with lettuce. The results show that the addition of dry leaves of L. sempervirens, G. avellana, M. boaria, D. winteri, and B. globosa signifi cantly reduced root-knot nematode development in soil in which lettuce plants were grown. On the other hand, while all of the treatments signifi cantly affected the development of eggs and juveniles of M. hapla, the best inhibitory effect was found with dry leaves of U. molinae, D. winteri and L. sempervirens. For all plant species, an increase in the concentration of dry leaves incorporated into the substratum resulted in better control of nematode population. Buscando alternativas biológicas para el control del nemátodo de las agallas radicales, Meloidogyne hapla, se evaluó la incorporación al sustrato de follaje seco y molido de Buddleja globosa, Drymis winteri, Eucalyptus globulus, Gevuina avellana, Laurelia sempervirens, Luma apiculata, Maytenus boaria y Ugni molinae. Se utilizó como control un tratamiento sin follaje. El ensayo se realizó en macetas en las que se trasplantaron plantas de lechuga (cv. Reina de Mayo). Todas las macetas se inocularon con 2000 huevos y juveniles de M. hapla y se mantuvieron por 45 días en invernadero. Los resultados indicaron que las plantas de lechuga desarrolladas en sustratos con hojas secas de L. sempervirens, G. avellana, M. boaria, D. winteri y B. globosa redujeron signifi cativamente el agallamiento radical. Mientras que todos los tratamientos afectaron signifi cativamente la formación de huevos y juveniles de M. hapla, destacando el efecto inhibitorio sobre este parámetro el follaje seco de U. molinae, D. winteri y L. sempervirens. En todas las especies, el incremento de la concentración de follaje incorporado al sustrato resultó en un mayor control en la multiplicación de M. hapla.

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