Analytical and experimental studies into the processes of hydrodynamics and heat exchange in the channels of disk pulse devices

Valeriy Nikolsky    
Ivan Kuzyayev    
Oleksandr Alieksandrov    
Viktor Ved    
Andrii Pugach    
Vadim Yaris    
Serhiy Ptitsyn    
Valerii Lopatin    


The paper reports an analytical study into the influence of basic parameters of channels in the pulse disk devices on the efficiency of processes of heat exchange and hydrodynamics under the pulse effect on a heat-carrier. A procedure has been proposed for determining basic parameters for the processes of heat exchange and hydrodynamics (flow rate, pressure, a heat-carrier?s temperature) when a liquid is exposed to the pulse effect. Mathematical models have been constructed for the influence of structural and technological parameters of channels in the disk pulse devices on the efficiency of processes of heat exchange and hydrodynamics. Adequacy of the mathematical models has been confirmed by a series of experimental studies involving devices with a single- and multi-step system of the pulse treatment of a heat-carrier. Based on this, we have designed, tested, and implemented industrial structures of the pulse disk heat generators for decentralized heating of buildings for industrial and residential purposes with the single- and two-step pulse influence. The constructed method for a multi-step pulse influence, taking into consideration the results from mathematical modeling, experimentally confirmed and implemented in the structural design of a working chamber in a disk pulse heat generator, has made it possible to improve its energy efficiency by 12 %. We have defined the most efficient geometry for a disk pulse heat generator aimed at its further integration into the system of decentralized heating.A series of experimental studies has been performed, which confirm energy efficiency of the designed devices. One of the designed heat generators with a multistep pulse influence on a heat-carrier has been integrated into a heating system for a shopping mall. Indicators of the heat generator operation meet modern standards of energy efficiency at the level of 0.86?0.9.