The Impact of Food Heritage Endorsement Towards Building Food Identity From Experts? Point of View

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Many countries were reported to have experienced external pressures on their culture and tradition, including losing their food heritage and identity. With that, Malaysia, as a multi-cultural country, is also much concerned in preserving its food heritage and identity. This paper aimed to determine the impact of food heritage endorsement towards building food identity from food experts? perspective. A qualitative approach was used to gather information, specifically by using a semi-structured interview with eight informants from government agencies and the food industry. The results revealed that the panel of experts corresponded to the impact of the endorsement of food heritage towards national food heritage in four themes, which were: creating an image; documentation of food heritage; preserving the traditional food; and national identity. The impact of endorsement towards national food heritage would help the nation in building food heritage which contributed towards national food identity or national food image.