Study of the effects of mycorrhiza, fulvic acid, seaweed extract and urea on physiological traits and leaf yield of tobacco (Burley 21)

Shabnam Moradi    
Babak Pasari    
Reza Talebi    


To study the effects of mycorrhiza, fulvic acid, seaweed extract and urea on physiological trait and leaf yield of tobacco, an experiment was carried out as split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Marivan during 2015 year. In this study, the main factor was two levels of inoculation by mycorrhiza including: control: no inoculation and inoculation by mycorrhiza (Glomus interaradices) and subplot were stimulation growth compound in 5 levels as: control-distilled water, fulvic acid, seaweed extract, urea, fulvic acid+ seaweed extract + urea. The results showed that the characters, including: numbers of leaves and dry leaf weight of the middle leaf side of plant were affected significantly by mycorrihza. Hence, numbers of leaf and leaf dry weight of middle leaf side were increased by mycorrhiza inoculations. Also the results of foliar application of stimulation plant growth were showed that relative water content, leaf fresh weight and leaf dry weight in lower side leaves and leaf fresh weight and leaf dry weight in middle side leaves and also spad and leaf fresh weight of upper side leaves of tobacco were affected significantly.

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