Implementation and comparison of Berry-Ravindran and Zhu- Takaoka exact string matching algorithms in Indonesian-Batak Toba dictionary

Efelin Siburian    
Mohammad Andri Budiman    
Jos Timanta    


Indonesia has a variety of local languages, which is the Batak Toba language. This time, there are still some Batak Toba people who do not know speak Batak Toba language fluently. Nowadays, desktop based dictionary is one of reference that very efficiently used to learn a language and also to increase vocabulary. In making the dictionary application, string matching can be implemented for word-searching process. String matching have some algorithm, which is Berry ? Ravindran algorithm and Zhu-Takaoka algorithm and will be implemented on the dictionary application. Zhu-Takaoka algorithm and Berry ? Ravindran algorithm have two phases, which are the preprocessing phase and the searching phase. Preprocessing phase is a process to make the shifting values according to in pattern that input by user. To know the shifting value with Zhu-Takaoka algorithm, it?s need Zhu-Takaoka Bad Character (Ztbc) and Boyer-Moore Good Suffix (Bmgs). Then, Ztbc will be compared to Bmgs to get the maximum value of them that will be set as shifting value. While Berry-Ravindran algorithm, to know the shifting value is needed Berry-Ravindran Bad Character, which the two characters right of the text at the position m + 1 and m+ 2, is needed to determine the shifting value, where m is length of the pattern.