Pemilihan Marketplace Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Metode MOORA DOI : 10.24114/cess.v6i2.22511 | Abstract views : 102 times

Sultan Chaeruddin    
Icih Sukarsih    
Respitawulan Respitawulan    


AbstrakPandemi COVID-19 telah melanda hampir di seluruh dunia. Pandemi ini juga merupakan sebuah masa dimana masyarakat dituntut melaksanakan kebiasaan baru atau dikenal dengan New Normal. Kebiasaan baru ini juga mempengaruhi cara masyarakat dalam berbelanja khususnya berbelanja di marketplace. Dengan memilih marketplace yang tepat maka masyarakat atau konsumen dapat memenuhi kebutuhan seperti produk kesehatan dan rumah tangga yang paling dicari di masa pandemi. Metode Multi Objective Optimization on The Basis of Ratio Analysis atau MOORA adalah salah satu metode dari Multi Attribute Decision Making. Metode MOORA dapat digunakan untuk menentukan rekomendasi marketplace di masa pandemi COVID-19. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah diperoleh alternatif terbaik berdasarkan penilaian masyarakat dan perhitungan menggunakan metode MOORA sehingga dapat terlihat pula perilaku konsumen di masa pandemi dan menjadi masukkan bagi perusahaan marketplace di masa yang akan datang.Kata kunci - Pandemi COVID-19; Marketplace; MOORAThe COVID-19 pandemic has hit almost all over the world. This pandemic is also a period when people are required to carry out new habits, known as the New Normal. This new habit also affects the way people shop, especially shopping in the marketplace. By choosing the right marketplace, the community or consumers can meet needs such as health and household products that are most sought after during a pandemic. The Multi Objective Optimization method on The Basis of Ratio Analysis or MOORA is one of the methods of Multi Attribute Decision Making. The MOORA method can be used to determine marketplace recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The expected result is that the best alternative is obtained based on community assessment and calculations using the MOORA method so that consumer behavior can also be seen during the pandemic and become input for marketplace companies in the future.

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