Post Vaccinal Temporary Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Federica De Marco    
Donato Pompeo De Cesare    
Francesco Di Folco    
Francesco Massoni    
Gianfranco Tomei    
Natale Mario Di Luca    
Carmina Sacco    
Francesco Tomei and Ricci Serafino    


In our systematic research we identified four studies concerning the onset of neurological adverse events following vaccination and two excluding this association. A 33-year-old Italian man, belonging to the Italian Army was hospitalized because he suffered from vertigo, nausea and sudden right hearing loss not classified (NDD), that set in 24 h after the administration of tetanus-diphtheria and meningococcal vaccines. Some neurological events arising after vaccination are very difficult to treat. In our case, the functional recovery on low and medium frequencies was possible about 6 months after the morbid event.

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