Collision Detection and Avoidance is one of the critical technologies for fully allowing Unmanned Aerial Systems to fly in civil airspaces. Current methods evaluate only potential conflicts with other aircraft using specific parameters (e.g., time or distance to closest point of approach) that can only be used for pair-wise encounters, not considering the surrounding environment. The present work proposes a new Collision Detection and Avoidance concept to solve short-term conflicts in scenarios characterized by the simultaneous presence of aircraft and other path constraints (i.e., no-fly zones, bad weather areas and terrain) including geo-fencing limitations. Differently from other open literature methods, the proposed algorithm computes two parameters that synthetically describe the conflict hazard level of a given scenario and its possible evolution, independently from the type and the number of surrounding potential threats. Using such indices, a risk evaluation strategy is proposed that detects hazardous situations and generates an optimal maneuver avoiding potential collisions while not causing secondary conflicts. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by means of fast-time and real time simulations in some challenging conflict scenarios that cannot be solved by state of the art Detect and Avoid systems.