Pua Bar Kutiel and Michael Dorman
Since ecological phenomena and patterns vary with scale, scalar analysis is a developing practice in ecology. Scalar analysis is most valuable in heterogeneous environments, since habitat heterogeneity is a key factor in determining biodiversity. One suc...
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Rujapa Nanthapodej, Cheng-Hsiang Liu, Krisanarach Nitisiri and Sirorat Pattanapairoj
Environmental concerns and rising energy prices put great pressure on the manufacturing industry to reduce pollution and save energy. Electricity is one of the main machinery energy sources in a plant; thus, reducing energy consumption both saves energy ...
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Stefan Shilev
Soil deterioration has led to problems with the nutrition of the world?s population. As one of the most serious stressors, soil salinization has a negative effect on the quantity and quality of agricultural production, drawing attention to the need for e...
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F. H. Rahman, S. Mukherjee, S. Das, K. Mukhopadhyay, R. R. Bera, Antara Seal
Pág. Page:99 - 108Abstrac
Ashabul Anhar,Heru P. Widayat,Ali Muhammad Muslih,Subhan Subhan,Romano Romano,Akhmad Baihaqi,Teuku Saiful Bahri,Zulkarnain Zulkarnain,Bagio Bagio,Yusmaizal Yusmaizal,Yusya Abubakar
Pág. 75 - 82
The productivity of Arabica coffee in low-altitude areas in Aceh have been declined, caused by an increase in temperatures, and by pests and diseases attack. This study aims to develop adaptation strategies to climate change in Aceh trough understanding ...
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