Öznur Akyol Bulut, Deniz Alçin Sahintürk
Pág. 141 - 159
The Capital Tax which was accepted in November 11, 1942 by the 4305 Numbered Law is an extraordinary wealth tax enforced for a short-term as sixteen months taken its place as a disgrace for our history considering its consequences. It was mentioned that ...
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Andrie Schoombee
AbstractAccess to basic financial services is one possible path leading to a better life for the poor. This is endorsed by SADC governments, and various strategies were in the past decade implemented to advance financial access. South Africa was particul...
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Douglas Castleberry, Balasundram Maniam, Geetha Subramaniam
This paper studies the history of the Euro leading up to its inception, what happened after the Euro was introduced into circulation and implications for its future. The Euro was set up to accommodate a unified currency while preserving sovereignty among...
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Kenneth Linna, Evan Moore, Rodney Paul and Andrew Weinbach
Clock rule changes were introduced in the 2006 season with the goal of reducing the average duration of the game; these changes were reversed in 2007. In addition, in 2007 the kickoff rule was changed to create more excitement and potentially more scorin...
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Marcio Holland,Guilherme Yanaka
Pág. 167 - 195
With the implementation of Basel II Accord in Brazil, the largest banks will be allowed to use the so-called IRB (Internal Ratings Based) model to compute the credit risk capital requirement. The aim of this work is to measure the difference between the ...
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