Xin Tong, Bo Jin, Jingya Wang, Ying Yang, Qiwei Suo and Yong Wu
In recent years, the number of malicious web pages has increased dramatically, posing a great challenge to network security. While current machine learning-based detection methods have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional detection technique...
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Robert Klos and Nade?da Langová
The reliability of furniture constitutes one of the most important features taken into consideration when buying furniture. However, to evaluate furniture reliability, furniture manufacturers often rely on their own experiences and common patterns withou...
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Ganjar Alfian, Muhammad Qois Huzyan Octava, Farhan Mufti Hilmy, Rachma Aurya Nurhaliza, Yuris Mulya Saputra, Divi Galih Prasetyo Putri, Firma Syahrian, Norma Latif Fitriyani, Fransiskus Tatas Dwi Atmaji, Umar Farooq, Dat Tien Nguyen and Muhammad Syafrudin
Analyzing customer shopping habits in physical stores is crucial for enhancing the retailer?customer relationship and increasing business revenue. However, it can be challenging to gather data on customer browsing activities in physical stores as compare...
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Shahbaz Sikandar, Rabbia Mahum and AbdulMalik Alsalman
The multimedia content generated by devices and image processing techniques requires high computation costs to retrieve images similar to the user?s query from the database. An annotation-based traditional system of image retrieval is not coherent becaus...
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Pingshan Liu, Qi Liang and Zhangjing Cai
Aiming at addressing the inability of traditional web technologies to effectively respond to Winter-Olympics-related user questions containing multiple intentions, this paper explores a multi-model fusion-based multi-intention recognition model BCNBLMATT...
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