Massimo Amato,Lucio Gobbi
Pág. 3 - 10
La recente crisi dell?eurozona, insieme all?annunciata riforma del franco della Comunità Finanziaria Africana e ai progetti di costituzione di nuove aree valutarie in diversi continenti, ha riportato il tema delle unioni monetarie in primo piano nel diba...
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Makmun Syadullah,Adwiena Dwiyanti
Pág. 42 - 51
The issue of WTO reforms launched by the European Union and Canada in July 2018 is an, the issue of Most Favored Nation, the problem of overseeing the opportunity for developing countries to fight for their interests. This reform is expected to have a po...
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Atef Ghalwesh,Shimaa Ouf,Amr Sayed
Pág. 166 - 173
Nowadays the world discuss the problem of the cryptocurrency and shows several risks in dealing with this new investment or banning it by governments and the main issue of this paper is how can the third part ex: (exchange market for trading cryptocurren...
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Giulio Guarini,Giulia Zacchia
Pág. 279 - 283
Questo numero speciale di Moneta e Credito in occasione del centenario della nascita di Paolo Sylos Labini propone una rilettura dei temi legati alla sua ricca produzione scientifica. I numerosi contributi di Paolo Sylos Labini sono stati guidati da una ...
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Contantin BRATIANU
Pág. 321
The pandemic of COVID-19 generated an unprecedented global crisis with immediate dramatic consequences on human health and life and with long term consequences in the economic, social, educational, and cultural domains in many countries all around the wo...
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