This study aimed at asserting some physical and mechanical characteristics of three different wood species from Brazil: Bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Benth.) Cedro-rosa (Cedrela fissilis Vell.) and Vassourão-branco (Piptocarpha angustifolia Dusén ex Malme). The tests done include the determination of moisture content, density, dimensional stability (swelling and shrinkage), volumetric variation, normal compression to the grain, tensile parallel to the grain, wood shearing, static bending and bonding and fixing properties (finger-joint resistance and pulling out nails and screws). In addition, some factors regarding the machinability of these materials were also evaluated. Results showed distinct peculiarities among thespecies, highlighting their positive performance during tests, and in most cases the obtained values were similar or even above those required by technical standards, indicating the possible application of these materials in several productive processes.