Johannes K. Fichte, Markus Hecher, Michael Morak and Stefan Woltran
Efficient exact parameterized algorithms are an active research area. Such algorithms exhibit a broad interest in the theoretical community. In the last few years, implementations for computing various parameters (parameter detection) have been establish...
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Dominik Köppl
We present linear-time algorithms computing the reversed Lempel?Ziv factorization [Kolpakov and Kucherov, TCS?09] within the space bounds of two different suffix tree representations. We can adapt these algorithms to compute the longest previous non-over...
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Dominik Köppl
We present algorithms computing the non-overlapping Lempel?Ziv-77 factorization and the longest previous non-overlapping factor table within small space in linear or near-linear time with the help of modern suffix tree representations fitting into limite...
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Fabian Gärtner and Peter F. Stadler
Superbubbles are a class of induced subgraphs in digraphs that play an essential role in assembly algorithms for high-throughput sequencing data. They are connected with the remainder of the host digraph by a single entrance and a single exit vertex. Lin...
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Sukhpal Singh Ghuman, Emanuele Giaquinta and Jorma Tarhio
We present two modifications of Duval?s algorithm for computing the Lyndon factorization of a string. One of the algorithms has been designed for strings containing runs of the smallest character. It works best for small alphabets and it is able to skip ...
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