Evaluación de una mezcla aceite de jatropha-diésel bajo la acción de un campo magnético/ Evaluation of a mixture of jatropha oil-diesel under the action of a magnetic field

Dignora de las Mercedes Dinza Verdecia    
Ramón Arias Gilart    
Carlos Eduardo Alfaro Rodríguez    
Yadira Silveira Font    
Roberto Orlando Menadier Gainza    
Katia de la Caridad Soto Fernández    


En este trabajo se evaluó el comportamiento del  proceso de combustión de una mezcla diésel-aceite de Jatropha curcas al 10% bajo la acción de un campo magnético. La mezcla y el diésel empleados presentaron propiedades físico-químicas similares. Para realizar los experimentos  se utilizó un grupo electrógeno experimental Lister Petter LPWS2  y se evaluaron los siguientes parámetros: emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2), monóxido de carbono (CO), óxidos de nitrógeno (NOX) y el consumo horario de combustible. El campo magnético  estático utilizado fue de 0,36 Tesla (T) y se ubicó directamente sobre las tuberías de combustible en el motor. Con el empleo de este campo magnético se alcanzaron disminuciones de un 24,84% de CO, de un 15,78% de CO2 y de un 20,43% de NOX en sus máximas cargas. Además se obtuvieron disminuciones del consumo horario de combustible de un 2,59%, empleando la mezcla bajo la acción del campo magnético.In this work the behavior of the combustion process of mixture of diesel-Jatropha curcas oil at 10% under the action of a magnetic field was evaluated. The mixture and diesel showed similar physicochemical properties. To carry out the experiments, an experimental generator set Lister Petter LPWS2 was used and the following parameters were evaluated: carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions and hourly fuel consumption. The static magnetic field used was 0.36 Tesla (T) and was located directly on the fuel lines in the engine. With the use of this magnetic field, decreases of 24.84% of CO, 15.78% of CO2 and 20.43% of NOX were reached in their maximum loads. In addition, reductions in the hourly fuel consumption of 2.59% were obtained, using the mixture under the action of the magnetic field.In this work the behavior of the combustion process of mixture of diesel-Jatropha curcas oil at 10% under the action of a magnetic field was evaluated. The mixture and diesel showed similar physicochemical properties. To carry out the experiments, an experimental generator set Lister Petter LPWS2 was used and the following parameters were evaluated: carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions and hourly fuel consumption. The static magnetic field used was 0.36 Tesla (T) and was located directly on the fuel lines in the engine. With the use of this magnetic field, decreases of 24.84% of CO, 15.78% of CO2 and 20.43% of NOX were reached in their maximum loads. In addition, reductions in the hourly fuel consumption of 2.59% were obtained, using the mixture under the action of the magnetic field.