This research aims to develop software sales information system web-based fashion store fashion shonia wonogiri. This information system has been tested to be able to process sales data in general such as user data, master, transaction, penjalan, reports. In this study also determined the feasibility of the software has been made to test the feasibility of fashion information system strore shonia fashion wonogiri. This research method is a research and development. The steps - steps of the research: analysis of the old system weaknesses, the new system requirements analysis, design, implementation and evaluation. The method of data collection is done with literature study, observation and interviews. The method used to analyze the weaknesses of the system is PIECES, UML and design method using blackbox method for testing the system. The results showed that the information system is capable of processing fashion store sales data and inventory in general such as user data, master, transaction, sales, reports. It can be concluded that the information system fashion store has a good and decent quality for data processing fashion store Keywords : Information System Fashion Store